How to feed your dog or puppy

A Guide To Feed Your Dog or Puppy For Beginner Pet Owners

Proper nutrition plays an important role in puppies’ and adult dogs’ care. Almost all owners are aware of the fact that puppies require a specific diet that is designed specifically to promote their growth and development. However, many owners find themselves puzzled about when exactly they should switch to feeding adult dogs. The reason for…

Nutrious Diet For Puppies

How to Make Nutritious Homemade Meals For Growing Puppies: A Step-by-Step Guide?

If you want homemade puppy food, veggies can vary easily from green peas to pumpkin or cauliflower. As it happens, it is an ideal way of supplying their dog with an array of different nutrients and tastes. Don’t forget that dogs should stick to dog-friendly vegetables only. It is crucial to avoid toxic vegetables that…